I started having contractions that were 10 mins apart on Saturday 13th

I started having contractions that were 10 mins apart on Saturday 13th. They however, wasn’t strong, so I walk up and down the stairs 10 times. Then I took a shower and did nipple stimulation for an hour. The nipple stimulation got them closer and a little more intense. I didn’t want to over do it so I went to bed. That night I dreamt that I still was doing nipple stimulation and my contractions was still coming constant and a little intense. So at 2:30 Sunday the 14th, I woke up and got ready to walk over to the hospital to be checked out. Contractions was coming very 7 minutes. I could talk through them, but couldn’t walk through them. The put me in triage and checked me I was 3 cms. Which was more than what I was at my last appointment. So my doctor gave me 2 hours to progress. Two hours later I was 4 cms and being checked in. Now contractions was coming every 5 mins and was stronger. I just sat on a birthing ball and swayed through them. At 7:15 I called in my nurse to check me. If I haven’t progressed further I was going to get the epidural. She told me I was 6 1/2 cms. I was happy to know that I was close to transition, so I didn’t get the epidural. I got back on my ball and kept trying to cope. Between contractions I would fall asleep on the ball, almost falling backwards. The contractions also got to a point where nothing was working to cope with the pain. So, again I decided to get checked and if I haven’t progressed any further I would get an epidural. When my nurse checked me I was 8 1/2 cms. I then realized I was in transition and this was the worst the pain was going to get. I only have 1 and a half cm to go so I kept going. I leaned over the bed, had the peanut ball between my legs, and when a contraction started I would just shake my hips as hard as I can. Throughout this whole process my contractions stayed 5 mins apart. About 30 minutes after getting into my new position my doctor came in and wanted to check me. I had about a half of a centim