Boyfriend or fuck friend ?

Hey everyone I really need advice

I’ve been with my wonderful boyfriend for 10+ months now and he’s amazing but we fall out EVERY DAY and he’s beginning to be a bad boyfriend and I’ve told him that if he doesn’t improve then I will leave him because honestly it’s weighing down on me and I’m having mental problems due to all the stress (not just because of him) but partly and honestly idk what to do

But there’s this other guy

We met a few weeks ago and we’ve been talking ever since and he merely stated the fact that he would have sex with me if I wanted and he literally looks and sounds like he’s so good in bed and omg my teen hormones fucking jump every time he walks past , like I’ve not had good sex for a while

tbh and it’s been eating me alive

I will definitely not cheat on him because I’m not that type of person but idk what to do , if my current boyfriend doesn’t improve then I’ll have to leave him because it’s hard on both of us but if I stay with him I’ll have to suppress my emotions and I don’t know if I can do that

It’s messing with my head