We’re in so much trouble! 🤦‍♀️❤️


My daughter is 4 (5 in January) and she is sooo boy crazy! She says she has a boyfriend and that all boys are just sooo handsome and 2 boys at school makes her cheeks turn red! Me and her dad are engaged and have been talking about a wedding for some time now so she is all into weddings right now and dates as he took me out a few weeks ago. Today is our 6 year anniversary and she said that’s when her dad asked me to be his girlfriend! She just glows when talking about that stuff like she knows everything about it! She’s been asking when the wedding is going to happen and if her and her sister are going to be in it etc. well last night she told me that her and her boyfriend “C” are going to get married and move to a town cuz she wants to live there that they are going to have 2 babies (boy and girl) 2 dogs, 2 cats, fish and a ginormous gold house with a pink roof! She asked me if it hurt when the doctor took my babies out of my belly button because she was nervous when she get older!

Has anyone ever had such a young kid talk like this?! She is my first and she just leaves me speechless sometimes on what to say!