Pretty sure he doesn’t give a shit about me anymore?

I went on vacation for a week with my family without my boyfriend (who I’ve been living with for 2 years). He was not mad I went. I had invited him to go in the first place and he had said no, probably because we’d be with my family. He told me he was happy for me that I was taking a vacation. I honestly think he was happy to have me gone.

First, before I went I asked him for a ride to where my family was meeting where we would spend the night before going to the airport. And he refused to give me a ride. This upset me because I would have to be driving at night and I recently lost my only pair of glasses and I have a horrible time seeing at night and it was raining really hard. So I drove myself and had a panic attack because I could barely see. He didn’t text me to ask if I had made it ok. Hours later after I had got there I called him and he said “well you made it fine so it’s not a big deal. I love you and that’s all that matters. Stop talking about it.” I decided to drop it and be nice to him.

Then on the trip, he never texted me first the whole time. And when we did text he had like nothing to say and gave dry short responses. Never called me. But this isn’t anything new. For a while he hasn’t cared to talk to me when we are away for whatever reason. He did tell me that he missed me so much. Then I texted him like half a hour before I got back home at noon and he said he was awake. Then I get there and he’s sleeping so I gently wake him up and said “hey hey!” He angrily said “Hey WHAT?” Like he was pissed. I gave him some time then he was still laying there so I said “really you’re not gonna wake up? I just got back.” And he was like “I will later.” And went back to sleep.

Such bullshit. I bought him a lot of things on the trip. And now I just want to throw them out. Why is he even with me if he doesn’t give a shit about me? Or am I overreacting?