OK ladies, I need some opinions...


I'll try to keep this short and sweet and explain the situation the best I can... So my husband and I have a house the way it's set up our bedrooms on one end and the living room and two other bedrooms on the other end we have two little poodles who we put in a cage in one of the bedrooms at night and they bark over EVERY little noise and that's why they're on the other end of the house... Now that you know that here's my dilemma ...my husband has started snoring incredibly loud the last 4 weeks or so and we now have a 3 week old baby. And it's not occasional snoring it's loud and constant all night. I'm the one that gets up with the baby during the night he goes to work during the day, he's an accountant, I'm a stay-at-home mom. His snoring is keeping me awake at night more than the baby is (im talkin hours at a time) and I don't know what to do because if I go in the living room the dogs are going to bark over every little thing and I'm still not going to get any sleep... but I feel bad waking him up or asking him to go sleep on the couch because he does work during the day..i nudge him but it doesn't help. I am not getting much sleep and it's starting to wear on me... and I'm not really in a situation where I can sleep during the day. Would y'all feel bad about asking him to go to the couch? What would y'all do in this situation? Or am I sounding Petty right now lol?