IUD Migration, (TMI warning)


So three weeks ago I had a cat scan for abdominal pain, come to find out my IUD had migrated and became embedded in my cervix wall. I had the Teva Paraguard non-hormonal put in five years ago and it’s good for ten. The day I had it removed I was menstruating, it was fairly light so they still went ahead and pulled it. The IUD was covered menses so my Ob/gyn quickly threw it in the trash. A week later I went back to have an ultrasound to see if there was any scarring, and they told me a fragment was in still inside my cervix wall. The nurse and Ob/gyn were in shock that it had broken inside me, because it rarely happens. My Ob/gyn quickly apologized that she didn’t catch it sooner and told me the fragment had caused an infection in my cervix. They told me they would have to do a D & C, and a hysterscopy that day. Before surgery the surgeon assured me it would only be an hour procedure and they’d remove the fragment and take care of the infection. When I awoke, the surgeon came in to tell me that the procedure took longer than he’d anticipated because it was difficult to find the fragment. He was able to take care of the infection but couldn’t pull the fragment out because he was afraid of puncturing my cervix wall. He said leaving the fragment inside of me wouldn’t be life threatening and if I planned on having children I’d have to a c section but could still carry.

I was so upset, I was put under for a procedure, I missed work, all for what?! Nothing... I now have to live with a piece of my old IUD still inside me for the rest of my life. I’m trying to stay positive telling myself it’s my old IUD but just doesn’t work anymore. I wish when I had the IUD put in five years ago my old practitioner had told me about possible complications. But I was unaware. Every year during my physical they’d always check for the string and it was always in the correct place.

I had my follow up today and the surgeon wanted to know if I wanted to go on a new birth control and I said no. I don’t ever want another IUD in me. Paraguard was the only non hormonal birth control out on the market. After being on Depo, and Yasmin, hormonal birth controls don’t do well with my body. I gained almost fifty lbs with both hormonal birth controls. So as of right now, I’m monitoring my ovulation. Thank goodness for this app!

I’m writing this to make women aware that even though it’s rare this does happen, because it happened to me. If you do choose an IUD, ask about the risks because my doctor didn’t. I’m also reaching out to see if this has happened to anyone else or if you know someone. Just that feeling that I’m not the only one. If so definitely message me, we can support each other! 💜