Boyfriend problems…


So in May my boyfriend confessed that he had a crush on this other girl who was a sophomore (we were freshmen then) while we were dating. I told him that it was okay and that i noticed he’d give up time usually dedicated to me to go and see her. Now they talk once in a while but it kills me to know i almost lost the love of my life to her. He assured me that she was just a phase but I can’t help but think about him leaving me for her. I know this happened so long ago but it still hurts to know that he liked someone else. I’ve hinted that him talking about other girls hurts me but he doesn’t get it. (Yes, he openly talks about other girls to me.) when that happens he usually brings up the fact that I’m bisexual and I could talk about other boys or girls and he wouldn’t care. He just doesn’t get it. What do I do??