Help with clothes 😫

Their_Mommy 💟 • Blog meant to help the suffering 💛

Okay so ladies, I need help...

My baby was due 10/28, however we celebrated sweet Masons birthday on 10/9.... with that being said, my little guy weighs 5lbs 12oz. I only bought a few newborn outfits because my other babies were all big, I’m talking between 8lbs 12oz and 9lbs 11oz... is it worth going out and buying preemie clothes or will he chub up quickly? Right now I’m terrified to even go to sleep because he’s so tiny in his sleepers that it bunches up and ends up lying on his nose and mouth 😫 or does anyone have any tips to keep that from happening?

Thanks in advance and pic of my little guy just because 😍