Pregnancy scare

So...the last time I had sex was a 3 days after my last period. We used a condom and I am almost certain that it didn’t break. But sometimes we would cuddle naked after when he wasn’t wearing a condom, and there could have been precum still on his dick. But there was no penetration. Ever since, about over a week later, my nipples have been hurting when I touched them. I had a gyno appointment and he checked me for breast cancer but he said there wasn’t any lumps. I’m just very afraid I could be pregnant because also my stomach is looking a bit larger than usual. But since it was only a week, I shouldn’t be seeing these kinds of symptoms yet, should I? Is it all in my head? My period doesn’t start for another ten days and they’re dragging on very slowly. Can someone please reassure me that I’m not pregnant, or should I go as far as to take a test?? I’m 16 and CANNOT be pregnant or else my parents will kill me and my boyfriend is leaving for college in a year. Help me I am so afraid...