Water broke at home !!

Samantha • Married to my best friend 08.09.14. Evelyn Aline 03.22.16 and Claire Elise 10.10.18

So my due date was originally October 18th 2018 and I knew I wasn't going to make it until then. I had my normal routine OBGYN appointment on 10/09/2018 where the Dr told me I was now 5 cm dilated. I was 3 cm dilated at 36 weeks, so I had a feeling I was going to be dilated even more when I went to my 38 week appointment. I told my doctor that i hope i wouldnt see her next week and That my daughter would just pop it for me. That night I was really tired, even more than normal and went to bed 3 hours sooner than i had been going to bed.

My hubby texted me Wednesday 10/10 at 7 am to tell me he was going to be late, which has been normal with his job. I didn't respond since I was still half asleep, but decided to lay on bed for a bit and scroll through my Instagram feed. I felt a pop in my uterus and thought maybe she just popped her joints. I lay in bed for a little longer and decide to get up and start my day. As soon as I got up, I felt a gush and looked to see if I got it on the bed. I ran to the bathroom, pulled my underware down and started gushing even more. I knew I didn't pee myself! I went to the bathroom and decided that I should text my husband and let him know that my water broke and I was going to shower, get stuff ready and call our friend to let her know what happened. I wasn't having any contractions at that point but maybe 30 minutes later is when they started happening. I texted my husband and he said he was going to go back to his vehicle and come home, which would take about 45 minutes to get back to his vehicle and then another 35 minutes to get home. I had my friend come over so I wasn't going to be alone if we needed to leave. By that time it was 845. I labored at home until 930ish when I knew it was time to leave. (My first pregnancy I was in labor for 5 hours. And 4 cm dilated at 40 weeks and 1 day.) My hospital is about an hour away, so I didn't want to risk having a baby in the car or running into traffic. We gather up my 2.5 year old, overnight bag, baby gear and diaper bag and tell my husband were leaving.

We get to the hospital around 1030am, and go immediately into the delivery room to change and sign papers. I had my friend and daughter in the room with me. My husband shows at about 11am dressed in uniform and dirty from the mud and mesquite trees he's been tracking through the night before.

I get my IV and it literally takes 3 nurses to find a vein that they didn't blow. It took 6 IV pricks. I couldn't focus on what was worse, the contractions or having them get me so many times, especially during a contraction.

I was irritated at that point. I was Trying to move around the room so I could labor but with so many nurses and people poking me, it was hard to focus on what I NEEDED to do.

I labored until 12pm trying to hold off on an epidural since I wanted to go natural. I sent my friend out with my daughter since I didn't think she wanted to see everything that was happening. They brought me a pregnancy ball and i could only bounce so much. I made it to almost 9 cm when I was dying to get one. The contractions were on top of each other at that point. My nurse was able to cheer me on during contractions and I am so thankful that she was AMAZING!

I had even more blood drawn and then the epidural was placed. Shortly after I started feeling tired and nauseous. I told my nurse and she said it may be time. I was checked and she told me that it was time. At this point it was about 130pm.

We did a few practice pushes together with my.main nurse and she got all the nurses and the doctor in. (I didn't have my OBGYN present to deliver my baby, but I didn't care, I just wanted her out safe and sound.)

They set up quickly and there was 8 people in the room with us. My nurse cheered me on and encouraged me so much during the pushing. My hubby, dirty as all get out, stood back and took pictures. (It was best for him. I have no idea what he got into excatly.)

Baby girl arrived at 1:52 pm covered in vernix and crying into the world! I was so overfilled with joy! I cried so hard as I held onto her little body. She had a head full of hair, which we knew about at the 36 week ultrasound.

21 inches long and 8 lbs 1 oz. Claire Elise arrived 8 days before her due date. We are so in love!