Birth STORY! October Rainbow baby! 5 hour labor!

Sumayyah • GOD 1ST❤️🙏🏻, Angel Mommy to a baby boy named Adonis Asher Jackson❤️👶🏻 06/07/17❤️ Mommy to a rainbow baby named Micah Ibrihim💙🥰 Pregnant and expecting twins September 2021❤️

ITS all its worth it!

It’s finally my turn!!!! So here we go! So sorry for taking so long ! Omfg it really is busy being a mom, even for starters! Everyone has been messaging me, like wth, omgggg lmfao its real now, & Okay so as some of you know I said I was having irregular contractions for about 3 days..

So suddenly Sunday they got stronger! I still thought nothing of it because they just weren’t timetable!

Then Monday? They got even stronger. They started taking my breath away..I instantly just knew that this was off so I started timing. They ranged from like 20 minutes apart, 10 minutes apart..even like 8 minutes part. I was getting annoyed because I was in pain .. so Monday around 5 I decided , how bout I go downtown with all my sisters and we just walk around and get stuff, do our nails, LET ME TELL YOU, I was contracting the whole entire time! Like, I literally could not walk without stopping to bend over!

So some of them I walked them out so I can get labor going , GIRL IT WORKED. So we got home around 8.. I took a shower because the contractions were so strong..but just not strong enough.. so I let the warm water run on me and I sang church songs all while in the shower to soothe the pain... it was working for some time but at that point I felt like the contractions were on top of eachother, so I ended up just getting out, and I was of course still in pain. So what I did is labored on my knees...I literally could not talk through the sister kept yelling at me to go be seen!! So first, I started timing the contractions and then I noticed they were coming like EVEY 3-4 MINUTES APART!!!! Then sometimes 7 then 5 minutes apart , then back to 3 minutes apart!!! I called 911 and they picked me up. I really didn’t think it was the real deal ! So I’m contracting all in the ambulance and when we got to the hospital I’m still contracting, so they hook me up to the monitor fast!! My contractions were 4 minutes apart! And I got checked as well at the same time and was at 5CM!!!! They then asked “do you want an epidural” I’m like what? Like was this lady asking me something in another language ? 😂😂😂 I said “I’m having my baby?” And she said “yes you’re having your baby today or early morning tomorrow. I started tearing up , like this is the day I was waiting for and it’s here???

So they start hooking me up, they draw some blood and I get real real dizzy! Idk if it was the blood or what but I know start seeing stars! So the nurse tells me to take deep breaths and I do and it works so we continue and so like 15 minutes later they move me to the room I was delivering in and I knew it was game time! I start calling my sister and I’m crying like omg im having him today!!! And so she comes, by this time it’s like 9:30 & I’m still contracting and breathing through the pain and I keep asking “where is the epidural?” & so almost an hour later they finally administer it but BOOM!!!! The doctor can’t find a spot. I was bent over in pain for an hour trying to get an epidural!!!! Ladies who get epidural know how uncomfortable that position is!!! & so , I had to wait for another doctor to come and try & BOOM ANOTHER FAIL!!!! So she tells me “I’m sorry but the epidural isn’t gonna work, I’ll shoot some local anesthetic mixed with like “c-section” anesthetic into you so you can be numb during the delivery. 😂😂😂😂WHAT A JOKE. It worked on ONLY MY RIGHT SIDE. So I was pain free for like an hour and everything was great.. but only on my right side. I was feeling EVERYTHING on my left side , so I just kept breathing but then they checked me and I was at an 8! I started getting nervous because the contractions were getting intense !!!! And the medicine was starting to wear off!!! 😫😫😫! So at this time it was about 11:00? I wanna say..almost 12.. so then I’m contracting and they just keep getting stronger and I’m feeling them more!!!! So my sister rings a nurse and tells them like “she needs more medicine”..they come and tell me there is nothing else they can give that will stop the pain..I instantly scream in tears because I was in SO MUCH PAIN AND MY DEEPEST FEAR CAME TRUE! By 12:30 I could FEEL EVERHTHING!!!! EVERY SINGLE CONTRACTION!!!!!😢😢😢😢😕!!!! It sucked!!!! They had a midwife come in and she pep talked to me! I screamed to her that I couldn’t do it, and that I really felt like I was dying! But by this time, the contractions were like 1-2 minutes APART!!!! I really felt like it was the ENDDDD OF MY LIFE AND THAT I WAS GOING TO DIE RIGHT THERE! She said she had to check me and so when a contraction calmed down she checked which hurt like hell, I was kicking her away oh my goodness! She said “she’s at 9 1/2-10! And so she told me to labor down! By this time, talking was out of the question, I felt like a dead body. My body started pushing and it hurt like a BITCH!!! I screamed! They kept coaching me, and so many midwives ran in! The doctor who delivered my son ran in, and set up a table super fast and they’re all telling me to pushhhhh!!!! I literally cursed everybody in that delivery room out horrible but once he was out I apologized 😭😭😭they ALL TOTALLY UNDERSTOOD! & I pushed about 7 times or so! And my little boy was here! It was finally over !!!!😫😫😫😫😫 I tore , a 2nd degree but it was worth it & still is!!!!😫🌈my rainbow baby arrived and he is healthy as can be! I’m so grateful! ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻 7lbs 3oz , 20 inches!!! Breast feeding like a champ!!!💙🤱🏻this momma is grateful!!

Micah Ibrihim💙💙💙💙🌈🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩