Anyone else have high cholesterol during pregnancy?

I have never had high cholesterol before in my life, but when I got lab work done at 20 weeks pregnant, my cholesterol was 227 (it’s not normally supposed to be above 200). Both LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol) had increased since last year’s results. I was freaking out about it after hearing the results from my family practice office...all the nurse said was to eat healthy and exercise more (both of which I already do). So I did a search on google & in medical journal databases to look up “cholesterol and pregnancy,” and sure enough, there are a BUNCH of articles out there talking about how it is normal for cholesterol to go above 200 during second/third trimesters of pregnancy & that as long as your cholesterol wasn’t high before pregnancy, it should return to normal a few weeks after delivery. I took some comfort from that, but then when I asked my OB about it (called & left voicemail) the nurse called me back & said that pregnancy shouldn’t affect cholesterol. I guess I’m just confused as to why there are so many articles about this on all the common pregnancy websites & OB medical journals, but both my family & OB doctors are saying they’ve never heard of that correlation? Has anyone else asked their doctors about this? What did they say?