Finally here!


Well not how I wanted that to go but at least he's finally arrived. Went in for my doctor's appointment Monday morning, was 3 cm dilated and 60% effaced and OB did a membrane sweep since I was due the 13th. Didn't feel anything all day till finally Midnight. But then everything moved very very quickly. Water broke about 12:15 am. Contractions were uneven but getting stronger. Got to the hospital and was still leaking from my water breaking and contractions but now my contractions were pretty painful, and they weren't like this the first time around. Baby boy's heart rate kept dropping into the 80s everytime I had contractions. Had to have an emergency C-section 😞 and his umbilical cord was wrapped around him. But we are both healthy and I have my beautiful boy Atlas. Welcome to the world sweetie 😍🤗