I found the dress but...

Kasey • 24 ♋

it fit me perfect... just too long since I'm so flipping short... but... it's just over $1700. a lot of people are going to say "it's your day" "you only get married once" but I'm not the only paying for my dress my mom is. and I don't think she could afford $1700. yes I'd pay half or the remainder or my dad would even (I'm the baby girl). I just can't stop thinking about it and I keep looking at other dresses but none compare. so I'm sure I'm talking to my mom about it. the only one that has seen it is my oldest sister since it was kind of a spur of the moment dress shopping trip and I don't live by my family so when I was in town everyone else was busy or outta town. people give me advice!! I'll post the other dresses I tried on below!