I love taking care of my boyfriend.


I always see people going against taking care of a man. “He can do his own laundry” “he can cook for himself if he’s hungry” “he can clean up after himself”. My boyfriend of 1 year and 6 months does none of those things. He hasn’t done laundry since we started seriously dating. He only cooks if he wants to try a new recipe, if he says he’s hungry I ask him what he wants and I make it for him. If he leaves something out I go behind him and pick it up. I love taking care of him. And he lets me, he likes being cared for. But it’s not like he does nothing. If I need help he will gladly do it, because he knows I do so much. He never has to worry about what he’s going to have for lunch because I’ve already made it for him. He never has to worry about having work clothes because I have them cleaned and hung up for him. I love taking care of him.