Are you having the genetic screening done?

Please don’t comment if you only had it done for the gender - I’m totally not even a little interested in that. I want to hear experiences from women who had/are having the tests done to screen for disease and what your reasoning is - especially if you are someone who would terminate if something was seriously wrong. Please share your story.

If I knew my baby had a serious defect I know I would terminate. It wouldn’t really be a difficult decision for me at that point if I knew for sure there was no way they were wrong. But I know there are so many false positives. So now I’m stuck between having it done or not because I can’t be sure if the results are trustworthy - and idk if I would be willing to go through all the extra invasive tests to get a diagnosis is there was a high risk result. What if those tests caused a miscarriage and the baby turned out to have been totally fine? And I know how bad I stress over test results... Ugh. This is a torturous decision. We did carrier screening for my first child but never had any genetic tests done, it wasn’t even offered. I’m not at high risk or anything but I know that doesn’t really matter.

Posting anonymously because of the obvious controversy over terminating a pregnancy.