Dairy reaction in 1 year old


If something with dairy in it touches my daughters skin, the skin gets red almost hive like but not quite as puffy. She doesn't seem bothered by it, she doesn't scratch at it or breath funny or get upset, it's just that her skin gets really red.

We have taken her to her Dr but she was not that helpful and just referred us to an allergist, which is what I figured would happen. Well unfortunately our insurance for her has been terminated because my husband now makes too much to be accepted under Covered California, so right now she does not have insurance. And yes we are currently looking into getting her covered once again. So we can then take her to the allergist.

Now, she does eat goldfish because it's like crack to her and for some reason it's not really making her skin red where it touches.

I thought I had read somewhere a while back (because this started when she was around 6-9 months) that babies could grow out of this.

I'm just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and if their child grew out of this.

I am breastfeeding and she is eating solids now, shes never had an issue with my breast milk and I eat plenty of dairy. We have tried to give her Almond Milk and Soy Milk and she did not like them. I would like to start weaning her off the boob but she needs to drink some other kind of milk right?