Pregnant again!!


Ok so backstory August 6 we found out we were pregnant after ttc. We were excited to say the least. August 10 I miscarried. I was sad I cried but I got over it and got back to work trying again. September 8 I had a full cycle and tracked OPKS. October 8 came and still a BFN. My cycle came on that night. First light pink and by the time I laid down it was red. I wore a pad the first and a tampon the second day but it hurt so bad. I bleed until Friday the 12th. Yesterday Monday the 15th. I decided to start opks again. The test was positive so I’m like hmmm that’s weird. Shouldn’t be positive at least for a week or so. I decided to take a pregnancy test and it was positive. Definitely wasn’t expecting that. I’ve taken 6 all positive even the digital. I also have my HCG quants done and it was a 198. The doctor said it’s early but to retest on Wednesday. Has anyone had bleeding PRIOR to finding out they were pregnant. Not implantation cause that’s what it was. Was it successful. anyone have a successful pregnancy with a 198 quant