Should I do Maternal Fetal Medicine genetic testing for Chromosomal Defects?


I have a half sister (fathers side) with a syndrome that is an extremity of Downs Syndrome called C.H.A.R.G.E syndrome. My boyfriend has always made it clear to me that he would want chromosomal defect testing before we ttc, to make sure our baby was okay. I've always thought okay.. whatever. But I just made the appointment and it's stressing me out. Because what if something does show.. he would very likely want to terminate pregnancy (I know many of you will find my boyfriend horrible for saying this but he knows the heartbreak I went through loosing my sister with charge syndrome, and the countless surgeries, feeding tubes, breathing tubes, ect..). I now don't know what to do. This is my first pregnancy. I'm 7 weeks 5 days and baby has a heartbeat of 162. I'm so unsure of what to do. I need answers.. please it's stressing me out

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