Please give me your insight! Luteal Phases all out of whack


We’ve been TTC since January, I found out in August that my thyroid was under active so went on a low dose of Synthroid. I’ve been monitoring my cycle length and the last several cycles (counting backwards from the last one) have been 28 days, 24, 27, 28, 24, 28. I don’t take ovulation tests every month but every time I have, ovulation is bang on day 15. Any insight into reasons behind fluctuating luteal cycles would be appreciated.

I’m currently on day 25 of this cycle, 10 DPO, breasts have been tender since Thursday, also had dull cramping Thurs/Fri, and today my breasts are extremely sore (way worse than normal, so much so that they hurt when I walk).

I’m trying to figure out why my cycle length keeps bouncing around.

Let me know your thoughts!!

Thanks in advance,

<3 T.