Myla's birth story..


I posted yesterday announcing her arrival but was too tired to write out her birth story so I have a free minute and decided I will share now.

So at 4pm my kids and I were at a family bbq about 30 mins from the city. I stood up out of my chair to go use the washroom and there was a huge gush my water had broke and I now was soaked in the middle of the bbq. I wasnt 100 percent sure that it wasnt pee (I ended up peeing myself a little bit a few times towards the end lol) but when I saw the clear fluid I knew it was definately my water. I wasnt feeling any pain so I drove back to the city, dropped the kids with a friend and met my mom and she drove me to the hospital. Myla is my 5th baby so it was really confusing me why I felt zero pain or contractions but every pregnancy and labour is different and she was frank breech and up to high my entire pregnancy I just though ok she must be just taking her good ol time. It was 5pm by the time I got to the hospital, they took a slide of the fluid and confirmed it was my water. They sent me for a 2 hour walk because I was only 3cm dialated and not effaced and she was sitting up at a -5 cm. After a 2 hour walk, no luck! I was still 3cms. My dr gave me the option to go home and wait 24 hours (where my water was broke you can only go at most 24 hours before giving birth) to see if she comes on her own or they could start me on some oxytocin and get induced. I waited 8 hours for an available bed up on the birthing unit and at 3am on the 14th the inducted started. I felt nothing right up until 7am and baby was being stubburn and they kept losing her heart beat on the monitor so they stuck a monitor on the top of her head and while they were up doing that they realised my 4 waters still werent broken and that's what was prolonging the labour. I started feeling the contractions almost instantly after that and I requested an epidural. The annestesolotigst didnt take long arriving but they couldnt find an open pocket in my back to insert the epidural so the whole process turned out to take over 30 mins long and my contractions were INTENSE And I had to stay completely still during the whole process so my only technique i had was taking big deep breaths in and out and letting out moans through the contraction. As soon as they got the epidural in place after poking me 4 times and causing even more pain, I felt the urge the push her out i could tell she was right there and my body was telling me to push. The nurse checked me and I was 10cms dialated and her head was crowning. The dr wasnt in the room and no one expected me to go from a 3 to a 10 that quick and they couldnt figure out how I was able to stay so still through those intense contractions. My babys heart was dipping it was going down to 30 beats per minute. No dr was in the room my mother looked panicked and the nurse took off trying to find a dr. My dr finally came in the room I was shaking I was so scared for my babys health from her heart dropping and in so much pain. I pushed 3 times and she was out! She was healthy and all was good and I could finally breathe a sigh of relief and couldnt stop starting at my perfect 7lb 5oz baby girl. Myla wasnt the only one comfortable inside me and didnt want to come out, my placenta would not come out it was stuck so after 1 hr of my dr trying to get it to come down she had to call a obstetrician to come deliver it. She got there and had to put her entire hand up inside me and bring it out which was extremely uncomfortable but luckily I had my gorgeous baby girl on my chest to keep me distracted. That's Myla's birth story! Shes doing great. My other 4 children are super excited to have her home and shes such a good baby! She only crys when she need to be changed or fed and shes very alert and you can tell shes going to be full of personality. Thank you for reading I know it was LONG. Congrats to all my fellow October baby moms!