Super itchy all over?!

So just curious if this is a pregnancy symptom or really if anyone has experienced this besides me and has been okay. About a month ago my back broke out pretty badly (I usually do not break out especially on my back?!) it was itchy and I didn’t think anything of it. Fast forward to this week and i can’t even hardly get to sleep itching my eyelids, arms, legs, jawline/face, back, ears. It gets worse at night but still feels itchy throughout the day as well. I’m clean, I shower regularly and use non fragrance natural soap in hopes not to aggravate it more and use goats milk and oatmeal lotion to try to soothe it and have taken Benadryl but nothing is working. I don’t have a rash or hives or bites or anything to suggest why i am itching. Of course I googled these symptoms and didn’t like what I saw so I just wanted to put this out there and see if anyone else has experienced this?