
Brianna 👶🏻👶🏻

Okay so a little back story, I have 2 sons, first one I was diagnosed with GD at the 3 hour and was eventually on insulin, baby as delivered by 37 weeks due to sugar

2nd son I was on pills by 10 weeks and insulin shortly after, delivered at 37 weeks also. I was checking my numbers with my 2nd from the second i found out and I was high by 6 weeks.

I’m pregnant again and have been checking my numbers out of precaution, knowing my likelihood of GD is high given my history and want to catch it early just incase. I’m 8 weeks 4 days and my numbers have been GREAT! It actually makes me a little worried 😅 but we had a scan at 6 weeks and we saw HB and everything was great. I have a scan tomorrow but I’m wondering if maybe gender has anything to do with it? I’ll get the NIPT done soon and we’ll find out I’m just wondering.

So if you’ve have multiple pregnancies different genders, was your sugar better one gender then the other?