Talk me off the ledge


We have been ttc for 19 months now, and I’m just about ready to give up. I’m so lost and emotionally overwhelmed.

I’ve seen multiple doctors and have had tons of tests. Everything has shown normal until my 21 day progesterone bloodwork this week. My number was only a 5. It was supposed to be a 10+ to show strong ovulation. I always get high LH surges- so I’m not sure why my number would be low.

My doctor wants me to start Clomid with my period so that we can do an <a href="">IUI</a> in November.

I am terrified that my chances will be low due to low progesterone again. Clomid doesn’t raise progesterone, correct?

Should I ask them about adding a progesterone cream to help raise my number?

Please tell me I am not alone in this crazy infertility bus.