Testing day tomorrow!


So after many sleepless nights and I really mean sleepless... None but 30 minutes last night I think we will hopefully get the results we've been waiting on. Negative or positive, S.O and I are both anxious. As those know who have been following me at all, know my last full period was August 27. Regular, on time and full four days! Next cycle started and on Sept 22 I started bleeding. What I thought was my period turned out to be entirely confused and didn't know what it wanted to do. Day 1 dark red almost brown blood. I had put on just a panty liner because day one is usually fairly light. I barely filled any area on it. ODD!!! BUT OK! Evening came and I went to bed. But not before putting in a plug, because well I like to bleed out over night as I head in to day 2. The s.o and I decided to play!! Sorry for the faint of heart! But my man has earned his red wings lol! We took out my tpon and trashed it. But it was nearly dry...I remember saying damn wtf! Ok less mess! I fell asleep expecting to have to shower immediately. But there was NOTHING! So I joked with him that morning and said, you usually break me, but this time you fixed me lol. I didn't bleed at all that day. Day three I only had spots of red maybe twice when I wiped! I was having cramps like crazy! But on one side only! The week before I started this, I felt extremely tired, and could not stay awake for anything! I was having bouts of nausea and/or random vomiting. Throughout out the next couple weeks, I continued to be tired, short of breath and then the dizzy spells kicked in. Sometimes I'd have to make sure I sat down before I fell down. That subsided for the most part but 3dpo this cycle I had one bad spell and about fell off my porch. I'm hydrated, all I drink is water and sometimes I can't get enough it seems. Now here we are and af is suppose to start in two days. I took an hpt on Oct 6 only because of the symptoms. We did not use fmu and it was not an early response test. BFN. My bestie swore she seen something and I thought she was crazy. But we put up pics for the Glory gals to vote. Yesterday just because I had one left, I thought what the heck test again .. Again not fmu ( I break rules often lol) and my urine was very dilute. Again, negative. So here we go let's give this one more go! Again, this time by myself I thought I saw a faint line. And put up pics again and let y'all vote! So today we go and buy an early response test. So if anything I should be within a window for something to show! Now I'm nervous for the response, but will be happy either way! I'm scared maybe something else is wrong and I won't catch it. But we are certainly testing again! I have tender breast but only on the sides closest to my arm pits, nipples stingy/sore. Dull ache like af is coming SOON! Dull pain in my groin. Butt cheeks sore like I've been working out! Hunger... Oh don't bring candy or French fries near me they will be eaten...I can't get enough of food. Vision a tad blurry, heart rate increase usually 68 to 70 been in mid to high 80 and 90s. Getting hot easy. Gas, burp, drool, I feel like a baby lol. Urination pattern picked up but sometimes when I think I have to go I can't. Just pressure! I can't stay asleep here lately or go to sleep but I think it's because I feel everything! Smells off the hook! I smell everything! My s.o says that every month before a.f comes I smell different! But he don't smell it this month. I actually caught him doing it a little while ago and ask him if I stink!

So ladies, I'm going to post the first test pic the second test pic and the one from the morning when I actually follow rules and keep y'all updated. Oh one last thing, I don't remember getting any fertile cm this month. It was all white and creamy or nothing. Today it was more like water. Very light but enough I actually thought I started at one point. I am having serious constipation and actually had to take something for it today. Finally relief!! But my cervix is so high I can barely reach it. It's medium soft...smushy sorta and medium closed...I always open a little. Previous pregnancies. So it's been awhile and I have never had anything like this in my others or I just don't remember, but I'm sure I would. So let me have it! Tell me your stories, thoughts, and ideas ladies. Give me something to read while I can't sleep tonight!