Is something wrong with me? Am I broken?

Brittany • Thomas Eugene 👶🏻💙 Baby #2 coming soon! (Hopefully)

I am almost 33 weeks with my first and it’s a boy he was a surprise I was not trying to get pregnant but that will not make me love him any less his dad bolted when I told him we’re gonna have a baby and i think it’s finally sinking in that this is real and I’m going to be a mom really soon ... I’ve been thinking lately and I just really do not feel connected to my unborn baby don’t get me wrong I love him so much already and get so excited to hear his little heart beat and see his sweet face at each ultrasound but I see all my friends who have had kids post they seem so happy and ready to be moms and I barely notice he’s there sometimes ... I have been over weight since I can remember so I don’t even look pregnant I just look fat I think this may be part of why I’m not super excited Andover the moon about my pregnancy I’ve had no morning sickness at all pretty easy pregnancy so far other than the pain I feel while trying to sleep and moodiness I don’t know if the way I’m feeling is normal and if this is a sign that I will develop postpartum depression I just don’t feel a bind with him and I feel like a horrible mom for not feeling how other women feel when there pregnant I worry constantly about something going wrong and losing him so don’t get me wrong it’s not like I don’t want him or anything I just don’t feel connected to him and I’m afraid it will be the same after he is born please help me