Please help! I’m a ftm and Need advice


So I’m a ftm and I had my baby on Saturday. Well now we’re home and I’m having such bad anxiety about a few things. I try to lay her on her back but she somehow keeps rolling on her side I didn’t think newborns could do this! Im so afraid she is going to roll on her stomach and suffocate. Also when I put her in her bassinet to sleep I can stop checking her because I’m so afraid of something happening to her and I won’t know because I can’t see her. But I don’t want to co sleep because I’m terrified of rolling over on her or something. Someone please help me to learn how to cope with this so I can sleep without having a panic attack. Also I breastfeed and for the most part she eats good but at night she won’t wake up and eat. Is this normal? I ended up forcing her awake to get her to eat and she just ate for 3 minutes and she was out again. I’m trying to feed on demand but what do I do if she won’t eat? It’s been 4 hours from her last feeding and she won’t eat. I’m having a lot of anxiety can someone please help me out so I feel better.

*pic for attention