I just need to say


If you and your so have been having issues and you come here first instead of going to them, there is your issue. Sometimes I read stories where women haven’t even talked to their so about any of their feelings or problems they are having but yet seek advice and almost everyone will comment “leave”

Some ladies take this advice and it just makes me so disappointed in how you would rather seek outside opinions when your so probably doesn’t even know there is an issue or knows to what extent and here you are planning on leaving your relationship because Susan123 told you, you deserve better and your so is a piece of crap because he/she can’t read your mind. 🤦🏻‍♀️

I also know before someone gets their panties in a wad, that some people seek guidance before talking to their so and I get that. I’m not talking about those posts.

You can’t have a healthy relationship without communication. Everyone is raised differently, sees things differently, lives differently. You can’t expect someone to read your mind or know what today’s “huffs and puffs” mean. Talk to them. Then if you’re still not sure or you need guidance, get it. But don’t let outside influences make the deciding decisions in your relationship.