Almost 35 years old, and may be TTC in the next year

🌸Tink🌸 • 🌸Wife | Mom | Furbaby Mom🌸

I'll be 35 in February, and my husband and I have been talking more latley about having a baby. We have had some financial styggles in the last couple of years do to jobs he had that kept restructuring and letting everyone go. He finally now has a secure career going, so we decided to wait a little and see if this one sticks. So we made a plan to see how it's going at 6 months (which will be January) then 8 months and if not quiet there a year. Then we recently found out his testosterone has dropped and have to have tests done to figure out why. Now he's worries that if he needs treatment after the tests he will become sterile which then may bump up our time frame. These are all things I think we can handle if that happens, however my biggest struggle through all of this, is my teenager. I have a 14 year old daughter from my first marriage (with shared custody with my ex).I already have a little fear of starting fresh in my 30's and that sometimes causes mixed emotions which I think is normal. However, my daughter is completely against us having a new baby. It hurts to hear, and I know it's not her choice and I have explained to her in a very calm way that if we choose to, we choose too. She gets very emotional any time the topic is brought up or even hinted at, and I just wish I knew how to get her to be more understanding about it. We have a very very close bond, and I know it's going to come to a point where it will be a more serious discussion. I fear my daughter might resent me and our bond will weaken. I know I have to do what's right for her as well as myself and my husband, and I'm the parent but it's still just hard to think about hurting her feelings. I just wish I knew a way to get her on bored 😞