Loss taboo


Hi everyone. I hope everyone who has experienced a loss is healing, physically and mentally, in their own time at whatever stage the loss occurred.

I lost my daughter Bea in May at 20 weeks and I’m just baffled by the lack of interest from family and friends. Even the closest people. I’ll try to explain. I’m not saying that they don’t care but for some reason, no one has asked the gender, her name, no one asked to come to the service (not that we wanted them to - we went alone on a spur of the moment decision).

I understand not many people know what happens after a loss but I’m literally shocked that we’ve had no questions. Given that recently it was baby loss awareness week it got me thinking how little people know generally. I barely have any family on my side so it really bothers me sometimes.

I had a stillbirth but I feel alone. If it wasn’t for my partner, I wouldn’t know what to do. Again, I’m not necessarily saying my family and friends are bad people. They’re not. Perhaps just a bit misinformed.

I want to share the baby box I made with people (it has her hospital things, urn, a blanket I made and so on) but feel bad for bombarding them with it. I care too much about others and don’t want to make them feel uncomfortable but I honestly thought they might want to know where our daughter’s ashes are. Am I being unreasonable? We will be trying again in a few months and I don’t want her to be forgotten.

I’m all about telling people what has happened, to make people more aware and might even join a charity or something because I don’t want others to feel alone.

Maybe it’s just the UK?? It would be nice to hear if the miscarriage/stillborn topic is still heavily taboo where you are, how you’ve shared your experiences and so on. Also happy to answer any questions. Thanks!