Exercising and Years of Competition Dieting


I have been hardcore dieting for 5 + years now being a national bikini competitor and no intrest at the time for having another baby.I Have a son who is 9 years old and had me promise him I would take the year off to get healthy and give my body a break. I know what your thinking competeting-hardcore dieting-bikini ready!! Everygirls dream to loose weight and have chiseled abs...well last year o got down to 4% body fat . Anything past 10% body fat you loose your period. I didnt have one For a year and I was on the pill. I took this year off and In March I had my first period and stopped taking birthcontrol to have a baby with my new boyfriend 😊yay I found love !!. My period has been regulating and I have been keeping track of it ,this year I have not been hard core dieting I stopped going to the gym 7 days a week doing 2hrs of cardio and 1 hr of weightlifting and that has been mentally hard but at the same time rewarding for myself after all those years and my family. I got to the gym 4x or 5x a week now doing 30 min. Cardio and 40 min weightlifting. I am wondering if I should just give this exercise a total break seeing as I havent taken weeks/months off of the gym in Years! I wonder if my body is still stressed and u need a break from it and maybe just channel my focus on yoga and relaxation in order to help my baby making?any thoughts or facts ??

I have been taking prenatals for 6 months now, we just started using preseed and just got the ovulation kit's in.We also tested my bf sperm with a home test from Walgreens bc he smokes and drinks so we made sure his guys are good to go and they are. I know this is all gods timing but I'm wondering if I just need to relax my body more ?