Motherhood 🐿♥️


A heartwarming story!

So, last night my husband, myself, and my daughter were out on the porch. I looked up on the screen and said, “I think that’s a baby squirrel....”. Which I thought was odd. I didn’t remember ever seeing a baby squirrel in my 32 years of life. I looked it up and apparently they don’t leave the nest until they’re fully furred.

My husband decided to go out into the backyard to see if he could help (the squirrel looked really confused and scared). He tried to get the little guy into his hat and he fell to the ground. We were expecting him to run away, but he ran towards my husband and back up the screen. My husband went and got a basket, he was going to move him to our squirrel cage.

Little backstory: my stepMIL has had two baby squirrels she rescued after hurricanes. Her boyfriend built this HUGE cage that they kept the squirrels in until they were grown & then they’d let them out. One of the squirrels she raised didn’t want to leave afterward and ended up jumping onto their neighbor. She had to get rid of the cage, which is how we ended up with it.

My husband gets the baby squirrel into the cage. We went to sleep and he went to check on the squirrel in the morning. To our surprise the mother squirrel was on the outside of the cage! I read that sometimes they accidentally leave one or two behind & if they interact with humans sometimes they’ll abandon them (my husband was very careful not to touch the baby). He decided to open the cage, come inside, and see what happens.

About 20 minutes later he went back outside and both squirrels were gone! 🤗😍

I thought you mommas would appreciate the motherhood in other species that we had an opportunity to witness ❤️🐿