Healing from loss

You hear a lot when you lose a loved one. Apologies seem to be the most of what you hear. That or "I know what you're feeling." No, you don't. No one knows how you feel. Only you. However, they can understand and sympathize with you, having lost someone themselves. Not all losses are from death either. Some are from fights that can't be overcome. But no matter the loss, we all suffer. I have suffered and I'm sure you have suffered as well. Losing someone you care for is a pain like no other. Recently, I lost a child. My baby. I was 10 weeks when the baby's heart stopped. Today, I would be 18 weeks, 4 days. It's been 8 weeks since your heart stopped.. 6 weeks since I found out. It was the hardest most unbearably heartbreaking day of my life. You're gone, almost like you were never even here. But you were. And you are missed. Every. Single. Day. I loved you, more than anyone. More than myself. How does one heal from a loss? How? It's not easy. Not at all. There will be days you're fine.. And days you just cry and cry and cry. But in time, things will get better. You will heal. Just takes time. And that time doesn't have an expiration date. No, it really doesn't. It could take years, decades. But you will heal. You will get better. The key is to stay strong, keep going. No one will replace the ones lost. One day, you'll meet again. I know that, within my heart. You were lost too early but I will hold you in my heart until I can hold you in Heaven.