Breaking from swaddle

Erika • Mom of 2

I started weaning my LO from the swaddle because she can roll over both ways. I was doing it slow with one arm out and that was going well until she rolled over in her crib with one arm still in the swaddle. That was Saturday night and I stopped swaddling both her arms for naps and at night starting on Sunday. She slept well Sunday night and Monday night, but last night was horrible. She took forever to fall asleep at bedtime, then slept for only 3 hours, and then went back to sleep and woke up less than 2 hours later, then was awake for 2 hours and wouldn't go back to sleep. Once I finally got her back to sleep she was up again an hour and a half later. I fed her and got her back to sleep and then she woke up for the day an hour later. So, my question is, should I just power through and give her more time to adjust? How long did it take your LOs to adjust to arms out of the swaddle?