Bleeding at 22 weeks

Long story short, I changed doctors and my old OB didn’t send all of my files over after requesting for them twice. My new OB had to redo my pap. During my pap, my cervix started to bleed. I literally stayed on the table with three doctors in the room to stop the bleeding for 20 minutes. All of my paps have been normal and she just said its polyps. The dr stared pelvic rest due to my fragile cervix. Well here i am one day later and I’m spotting more than normal brown blood (changed pads twice today). She didn’t put me on bed rest but I’m noticing when I get active, I do bleed more. TMI. She said if I’m having a period like episode I need to go to ER. I have mild cramping which is to be expected due to the pressure they have to put on my cervix. I’ve had sexual intercourse within the last week and didn’t experience bleeding and I had a vaginal u/s as well and didn’t experience this four weeks ago (with the new OB). Has anyone experienced this? I’m worried.