A star was born at 11:15pm!

Barbie • RN, Mommy to one little prince and one big superman! Born 05/18/10 & 10/17/18 #Boymommy

So as most of you know I went into labor around 1pm. However, I didn't really starting dialating until 4pm. I went from 4 centimeters to 5 to 6 centimeters in 3 hours and then it just took off from there. Around 6ish, I couldn't handle the contractions anymore as they were coming 1 to 2 mins apart. So I got an epidural. Oh how beautiful that feeling was to no longer feel those painful contractions! Around 8, I was at 7 centimeters, so the doc decided to break my waters! I ended up bottoming out from the epidural shortly after. It was the most scariest feeling in the world! I literally felt the room spinning and I wasnt in control anymore. My BP dropped to 80/39. The nurse then gave me a bolus of fluid and it started going up shortly! By 1030, the nurse checked me and said oh your 10 centimeters so get ready! I started pushing around 1050ish and out came my bundle of joy at 11:15 with just 4 pushes! He weighs 5 pounds and 8ounces! Everyone guessed that he would be a bigger baby. But I knew my little guy wasnt gonna be a huge baby. He is absolutely healthy! No NICU time and the only thing they had to do was give him sugar water because after feeding it was at a 40 and they want it to be at a 46 or above. He latched well! And is sound asleep now. Here is my before and after pics! I'll post some more later! Ladies! Meet Carter Joel (pronounced Jo-el) Hall💙💙💙💙💙🤴🤴🤴🤴