Measuring Small


Hi everyone,

I’m 37 weeks as of tomorrow and I had my weekly OBGYN appointment today.

My Dr measured my belly as said I’m measuring on the small side and scheduled me for an ultrasound for Monday to see how the baby is growing. I asked her if this means he’s small and she said he’s fine but could be measuring on the smaller side.

I am 5 feet, very petite small framed and when my mom was pregnant with me, she was exactly my size and I ended up being 6lbs 8oz at 41 weeks.

I was 50% effaced and 1am dilated today. I’m worried I’ll have him before my due date on 11/9 and he won’t weigh enough.

Anyone experience a similar situation? I know you can be dilated for weeks before delivering but she said my cervix was “really soft” and I’ve been having period like cramps this week on and off.
