God works in mysterious ways...


Okay so back story, my fiancé and i had a miscarriage back in June and we decided to hold off on trying and if it happened it happened. Well last week i was in a pretty bad car wreck with my daughter. We are both okay, thanks to the good lord above! I have some severe bruising in my abdomen and we were checked out at the hospital and they did blood work on me for pregnancy before any of my scans and it came back negative, fast forward to today, i had to have some X-rays done to my back, well on the way home something told me i needed to go get a pregnancy test (I’ve been super emotional and my breasts have been hurting) but in my head I’m thinking “oh this is probably after affects from car accident” well i went with my gut and got the test. I arrived home, took the test and bam it came up positive 😳 I contacted my OB and they said to take another this weekend since my period isn’t due until tomorrow and if it is positive to call and make an appointment. My nerves are shot, I’m terrified the X-rays May have harmed something along with the bruising i have in my abdomen. Please say some prayers!