
Oh boy, yesterday was a crazy day. I turned 36 weeks exactly. I woke up around 1 (up late/early reading a book) with intense lower back pain and menstrual like cramping. I’ve never had back pain like that through this pregnancy so I was freaking out just a tiny bit. Then the contractions started! I’ve had BH for at least the past month but never accompanied by the other symptoms. I honestly did not know if I was timing anything right, but I knew it was different than usual. I jumped in the bath and still had the contractions and pain when I got out, so I’m thinking OMG THIS IS IT! I texted my sister to ask what she thought and she said that’s exactly how she felt when she had her son and I needed to go in. I was waiting for my SO to get home from work at 6 before I went anywhere, and I could keep trying to time the contractions as best I knew how. I finished packing the hospital bag in the meantime and tried walking around to keep myself busy. Well SO gets home and is totally freaking out because he’s not ready for baby boy yet! 😂 like anyone is legit ready for their first kid. Finally I decide that we need to head to L&D because I’m getting anxiety trying to figure out if this is really happening or not. Get there and hooked up to the monitors, and she checks my cervix. Dilated 1cm. First time I’ve had my cervix checked as that was meant to start at my next appointment in a week. She leaves us alone for an hour and comes back and I’m still at 1cm with contractions about every 6 to 8 minutes which means I WAS timing them correctly. She says to go home and come back if they are 2-5 minutes apart and I can’t talk through them. It’s almost midnight by this time and SO has to work the next day unless we go back to L&D. So while he’s snoring away next to me I’m still keeping track of contractions and they’re still spaced the same. I jump in the tub at 4am since I cannot sleep anyway. Sit there for an hour and go back to lay in bed and MAYBE get some sleep. By 7 when SO gets up the contractions are basically non-existent. 😵 How rude. I went to sleep and here I am at noon just fine and dandy with a few random contractions here and there. I’m hoping this means a quick labor by the time baby Ryker comes for real.