Seeking info on diapering.



I am currently a disposable diapering Momma to my 2 year old. I am currently pregnant and considering cloth diapering. I have a super hectic schedule and was curious if it’s a lot more time consuming? Give me any and all info that I may need being a new cloth diapering momma. Thanks ladies!

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I just started with my 2 year old to test before baby 2 gets here in January and I love it. I have a small stash right now so I do laundry daily, sometimes twice daily. But in all the groups I’m in, the Mama’s have bigger stashes and they only have to do laundry every few days. Prepping diapers is time consuming because you have to wash and dry the diapers a few times to get them to the absorbency you need. If you do pockets and inserts, you do have to stuff the diapers but it’s really not taking much of any more time to do that. Diaper changes are pretty much the same amount of time for us and my son hasn’t had diaper rash.


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I have a large enough stash that I go 4-5 days between washes which is nice. I have pockets which are time consuming to stuff. You may be better off with another option. AIOs are popular but expensive. Prefolds are cheap but there is a learning curve to getting them on baby. Fitteds can have lots of absorbency but both they and prefolds need a waterproof cover over them. You will likely have to add boosters later as LO outgrows absorbency or buy bigger prefolds.


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It’s not. The only added step if laundry, and I dry mine on a drying rack which frees up the dryer for our household laundry


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If you have your own washing machine, it's not too much trouble. Covers and flats/prefolds would be the least time-consuming. All-In-One and All-In-Two diapers take forever to dry, and Pockets need to be unstuffed before washing and re-stuffed after drying. Covers and flats are also the most economical, and are just as cute. There is a learning curve, but it's not hard and there are tons of helpful videos on YouTube.