Someone please help me with some advice!


So, I am almost 29 weeks according to date of last period and almost 30 according to ecography. For already a week or two I think I started to experience contractions. They happen usually during evening, night. Last night I had many of them. They don't hurt. Just tummy getting very hard and I get a feeling in my heart like butterflies and sometimes make it a tad difficult to breathe. Well ... Lately breathing is a challenge for me. Anyway, I managed to sleep through the night. Woke up and all good. Had one contraction only. Baby is moving and active and I have a slight feeling of being uncomfy down there.

Should I be worried?! I would call my doc, but in my country if u call all scared or go to hospital and is not necessary they kinda yell at you and make you feel like garbage. I don't wanna go through that.

Thanks anyone in advance for sharing your opinions! Sorry for the novel!