37 and Pregnant with 1st!


Completely in shock as this has been a long road for us. I had my second fibroid removal surgery at the beginning of August as we were planning to start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> next month. I had my left tube removed in 2017 due to hydra. Long story short we have been on this journey since October 2017 when I had my first fibroid surgery. I also have low AMH. My period never arrived this past Monday when due and when Thursday rolled around and no sign of AF I thought well, I should test. First tested with the First Response pink dye test and it came up immediately with a strong test line, even darker than the control line! Then to confirm I took the Clear Blue digital which came back PREGNANT and because I had the other digital from First Response and I am still in disbelief, I thought, why not? Took that and it came back YES+. I’m still in shock. Can’t believe it. This was the month of no meds and nothing, just natural, crazy, I can’t believe it.

My advise to anyone who’s on this journey, please don’t give up! I wish you all the best and I pray for a healthy and happy baby in June 2019! My husband and I are so excited! WE DID IT! 😍😭🤱🏻💕👍🏼