Needing Insight Early Miscarriage?


I’m not even sure I should post here, but we are 10 months from the reversal. We did an at home cheapy test just to see if he had a count before paying for the all out analysis and that was positive.

I’ve tried to hold off until the first of the year to have a check up, but after this last cycle I’m just scared. Anyone have experience with super early miscarriage? I’m talking could be period as far as cycle timeline. In the last year I’ve had probably 4 cycles where things were just off...period fluctuated but not enough that I ever tested. I just can’t be an obsessive test taker or I’d make myself crazy. I am currently finishing my “period” but it was like the other times, so heavy and major clotting day 2 and 3 but not really any flow in between major clots passing. Heavy cramping. I probably should have just went to the ER and got checked.

Main point, if anyone has had this what I’m speculating to be early miscarriage what was your experience and any advice after checking with your Dr?

We have moved in the last couple years and I’ve never set up with a new OBGYN so I’m in the process now of researching and getting an appointment scheduled. Just really trying to wrap my head around what to expect.