Pregnant with IBS. Mid back pain and abdominal cramps.

Kirsten • Wife • Mom to Lily 06/19 and Emma 09/21 •

So I have IBS and Im 4 weeks 2 days pregnant. For a while now Ive had cramping in the upper left abdominal quadrant while laying down. My doctor seemed confused on it (gastrointerologist) so he did blood work end of August. Pancreas and other organs seemed fine. Well yesterday I had back pain in the same area (middle back left side) that was more stabbing rather than aching. I saw my OB yesterday and asked if it could be pregnancy related. She said no. She said I could get lower back pain, but not upper back pain. So I have no idea. Internet leads me to believe kidneys or pancreas. No idea if both pains are related. No other symtpoms. Any idea? Had anything similar? I dont see my doctor for 2 more weeks.