
Im currently 33 weeks and Two days ago (10/17/2018) i went to L & D for contractions they were 2 minutes apart & 1 minute long by the time i made it they were 1 minute apart lasting 1 minute or more long i was given two medicines to stop them the first one was given "nifedipine" ( procardia) because my heart rate was too high to be given "terbutaline" ( which they later gave me as the first medicine failed ) they also gave me a "narco" for pain do not take this is doesnt help !!! All these medications together caused major nausea and my heart rate was almost as high as my babies if not higher they then gave me "phenergan" for nausea which helped. Stayed til my contractions slowed to about 30 minutes apart and was diagnosed with braxton hicks never heard them giving medicine for braxton hicks and was sent home well now that im home today ( 10/19/2018) im having contractions but now everytime i have them my nipples have the sharpest pain during them and then it stops can someone please explain whats going on with my body and baby