Sorry if its to long😕

Insight of backstory.

My 1st boy was born at 30 weeks. My water broke at 27weeks but they held him in for an extra 3 until i caught an infection.

My second boy was born at 36 weeks( Dec. 1,2017). My cervix was shortening at 29 weeks, started having braxton hicks(felt like real contrations) around 32 weeks. My pelvic bone got dislocated during birth(couldnt walk right for a month and it still hurts to this day)😰.

Any way now on my 3rd. Im currently 18 weeks pregnant. My dr. Wants me to have a c section, she sent me to a high risk dr who said my pelvic bone will dislocate regardless if i have my baby natural or via c section. And now they want to start me on a makena shot every week.

So now im super nervous because i have no idea what im in for. Has anyone ever been through something like this? I could really use some advice if you have and someone to talk to about it if theyve been through something similar