Help đŸ˜Ș

Me and my ex were together for 4 years on and off. There were issues with miscommunication and lying etc. he never cheated or anything like that and he wasn’t abusive. This recent break up we broke up in May and recently the past three weeks we have been hanging out and stuff. However, I felt kind of forced because what caused us to hang out is the fact that one night he called me crying and expressing how he felt about our break up and wanting to get back together and he wouldn’t let me get off the phone, if I hung up he would keep calling until I picked up etc. so after that phone call I said well let’s meet up and talk because he said “we never talked about what happened to us and why we broke up” even though we did multiple times. And now I feel stuck because today he sent edible arrangements to my job and he’s done a few other sweet and nice things recently. I just don’t know what to do. When we hang out a part of me is happy and thinks about getting back together and the other half doesn’t want to get back together with him. I just don’t know what to do. When I was single I didn’t think about him and getting back together.

Now I feel stupid and asking myself what is wrong with me. I almost feel depressed.