Struggling with 4 month old

My little one is very clingy, which is okay, but I'm wondering when it's supposed to get a bit easier?!

I would love to be able to shower in the morning, my baby won't nap unless I'm holding him. He will fight sleep and I'm not gonna let him cry just so I can shower. I usually eat when he sleeps anyway! I hardly get a chance to eat.

He was a month prem so I think that's why he's needy.

I babywear, but it's quite hard to get much done that way and by the afternoon it makes him nap too much.

He won't play on his own for long and if I leave the room for long he starts screaming. The longer I leave the room for the harder he is to console.

Basically if I don't go to him within a few minutes he gets so upset he won't play anymore and wants to be cuddled.

I'm just really feeling it this month, would love to feel like I've accomplished one thing in a day.

No one I know seems to have this problem. I look like shit all the time and other mums all look perfect when I go to groups. I rarely get to brush my hair or even look in a mirror and my house is always a mess.

Tell me I'm not the only one 😭