Two months old


TWO MONTHS - Louisa Jo

Weight: 13lb 8oz (91st)

Length: 23.25in (82nd)

Likes: still loves eating and sleeping, getting her diaper changed, floor time, watching her big sister

Dislikes: anything touching her face

Development: smiling, cooing, rolls from tummy to back, holds head up 45-90 degrees during tummy time,

Nicknames: Bugbee, Sweet Lu, Lu, Lulu, Honey

Diapers: squeezing into size one Pamper’s swaddlers

Clothing size: squeezing into 3m

This month has been a little more fun as she is awake more (but still is a wonderful, long napper - I can’t believe how much this kid sleeps!), smiles and “talks” to us. She does awesome with tummy time. She did get her first cold this month but it really didn’t seem to phase her. She took two road trips up to Minnesota for weddings. Big sister is still a fan and likes to share her toys and read to her little sister.

Routine: Awake around 7am, eats, alert them, sleeps from 8:30-10, eats, sleeps from 11-1, eats, alert time, sleeps 2:30-4, eats, then depends on the day but can be awake or can take another nap, bedtime routine at 7 but she likes to be awake from 7-10pm (ha!), then eat at 10pm and in bed. She usually only wakes up once between 3 and 5am and goes right back asleep (yay!) then the day starts over at 7am.