After 2 years of trying I am finally pregnant!!!

I have been married for 2 years to my wonderful husband. We have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years. I have gone to the doctor to get put on medicine to help me and it didn’t work. Month after month has been nothing but disappointment after disappointment. I had my yearly obgyn check up on October 3rd and I asked him (like I always do) what else could I do to try get pregnant. This time he took my blood to check my hormones and told me that my husband needs to get checked that it could possible be him. My hormones came back normal. I swallowed my pride and went home and told my husband what the doctor said and he agreed he would finally get checked next week. Well he didn’t get to go get checked because he was working so much on over time. I noticed a week after my doctors appointment my period was late. Sometimes that was normal for me so I didn’t think anything of it. I went from being 3 days late to being a week late. A week from today my husband got up and went to work and something to me to take a pregnancy test. So I did and 2 positive lines showed up! I took 3 test

and all of them came back positive! I hit my knees and started praising the Lord because our prayers has finally been answered! Our baby was made with love and NO medicine to help me or him! I am 6 weeks pregnant today! I just had to tell my story! I know I have a long road ahead but with God anything is possible! Don’t give up! Your time to be a mom is coming!